Sunday, June 5, 2011

l'église catholique

So Catholic church on First Communion Sunday in French on the back row wasn't the best church experience I've ever had. haha. Not everyone, but people kept talking around us, for almost the entire service. Especially these 3 people in front of me. It was packed. There were people standing up in the back and I couldn't hardly hear what the priest was saying, but I could follow along in the bulletin. I couldn't help but think about what it must have been for the people who went to mass when the priests spoke in Latin and they couldn't understand and it was hot and the babies were crying. The service next week is in the town right down the road from us, so we might be able to ride bikes. It shouldn't be so crowded since a lot of the people today come just for Easter, Christmas and First Communions.

It's funny the types of reactions I get from people when someone introduces me as the girl from America. Before church started the people I was with introduced me to a French man and he asked me how I was, in English. I answered him in French somehow and he thought it was the funniest thing. But then he started back in French pretty fast, but I caught what he was asking. I answered, "Caroline du Nord." So, first successful conversation today that didn't result in me buying something. It lasted less than 30 seconds. Then, after church, this lady says hi to our group and comes over and starts bisou-ing everyone. It's a little awkward for me still, when someone I don't know wants to touch your face with theirs and she noticed. Then I was the American girl again and she made this face like, "oh, I get it now." But she didn't get to talk to me in French, so maybe I'm just "super charmante" in French and I don't even know it. 

1 comment:

  1. sounds like your getting around and communicating better. i cant wait to see all the pictures youve taken. its a shame that its so expensive to get them developed there, but im patient. hope youre having fun
